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Posts Tagged ‘recycling’

Will Rice Eco-Rep Goals for the year

October 19th, 2012 by tel1

Goals for the 2012-2013 year

1. Continue with the selling of recyclable  cups.

For this I can thank Archit Chaba WRC ’15. He was the one who really encouraged me to get this started at WRC and he is now the one in charge of sales. Our goal is to get WRC Diet to approve a clause in our by-lawd that every single public event have recyclable cups available and to get the eco-rep involved in setting up the recycling bins. So far we’ve sold over 2000 cups and the numbers are getting bigger everyday.

2. Improve recycling sites around WRC

I want students to know that there are three types of recycling that are available at WRC

-Regular Single Stream Recycling

-Plastic Bag Recycling

-Electronic Waste

I’m working on them being available and more convenient for students (right now the electronics and plastic bag is located only in one spot, I’m hoping to maybe having them be available on all floors of the drms.

3. Get the word out better

I need to do a better job of putting up posters and signs for students to be better aware of what should be done on campus. I also want to hold a few study breaks for people to get to know me and exactly what I do at WRC.

-The recycling poster is awesome and I intend to put a few of those up

-Double sided printing instructions in the computer lab

I want also to leave a good legacy for the next WRC eco-rep who will be taking my place next year.