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This year I want to focus on 1) expanding the recyclable cup program (combined with staff and student education) and 2) lower energy use at Lovett, especially through the use of LED lighting and RESET.



My budget:

Saint Arnold Cups: $270.00 (already sold first 1400!)

1 Lock Box: $31.49 (bought)

134 Water Bottles: $400.10

90 CFLs (30 cases of 3): $117.00

50 Power Strips: $147.50
– http://www.macconnection.com/IPA/Shop/Product/Detail.htm?sku=9893423&cac=CartItem

Materials for HURI Study Break(s) from Farmer’s Market: $33.91 + Extra not spent on St. Arnold Cups



Recyclable Cups:  I have had great success so far.  I have bought and sold over 1000 Type 1 St. Arnold cups already, and am getting another shipment after Winter Break.  Brad Thacker has also contacted the company that supplies St. Arnold with their cups so try to get a good deal on bulk, blank Type 1 cups.  I will keep everyone updated, but ideally this can be expanded across campus at some point.

Plastic Bag Recycling: Multiple colleges have institute this, and Christina took the first bulk delivery to HEB right before break.  Hopefully, as the program continues, it will get more use and acceptance, and will eliminate a lot of the platic bag waste on campus.

Stay Off the Grass Campaign: This is something I have been working on with the SA Environmental Committee and very closely with Susann Glenn.  We put out signs in the Academic Quad (not sure if they were well received) and plan to make Table Toppers (from Google Map images) to try to draw an emotional response from students and stop them from perpetuating the cow paths.



I have finally redistributed and labeled all the recycling bins at Lovett.  Next task is to put up a recycling poster that advertises recycling obscurities, plastic bags, and general recycling.


Here are some projects that I have in mind for this year:

1. New thermostats for the rooms (trial phase will start soon).  This is actually headed a lot by Mark Chaszar, who has already tested some of these at McMurtry and Duncan with good results.  They have Ultrasonic and Infrared sensors and turn on and off very efficiently to make the rooms more efficent and more comfortable.

2. Host an Energy Competition to help reduce energy consumption.  This will overalap a lot with my role as SA Senator, but I would like to get Eco-Reps involved, since there is one at each college.  That way, it will be more publicized than last year.

3. Enhance my distribution of cloth bags and CFLs.  This project will most likely be very minor, but I feel like if I actively pursue giving out the free stuff I have, then people will be more likely to listen to me and take action.  I have some thoughts of making an environmentally goodie bag for each room at Lovett or maybe asking people to sign a pledge when they get the stuff, but I’m not sure yet.

4. Have a drive to reduce junk mail.  The NPO that I worked for this summer hosted one of these, and it was very successful.  I’m not sure exactly how much junk mail Lovetteers get, though, so it may not be as successful.

Also, as a plug for the SA, I would love to have fellow Eco-Reps on the Environmental Committee with me.  Although we do have a budget as an Eco-Rep, the SA has some clout and connections that we alone may not have, and having that connection from every college would be awesome.  I’ll let you all know about times when I know, but please seriously consider it. 🙂

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